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Savvy Socialization

Positive socialization experiences are so important if you want your little one to enjoy a lifetime of confident, friendly communication with the world around him.

Socialization means learning to be part of society. When we talk about socializing pet puppies, it means helping them learn to be comfortable as a pet within human society-a society that includes many different types of people, environments, buildings, sights, noises, smells, animals and other dogs.

Behavior is affected by the environment. Our dogs are living with us in a world we created. This world has very little in common with the natural world. Your dog is living in an alien environment. You understand this environment, he does not. In this context, the most effective aspect of training your dog is building a relationship. With a great bond and good communication skills, your dog will trust you not to lead him into danger, and he will watch what you do in new and novel situations and figure out what he can do.Dogs are problem solvers, they’ve had to be both as dogs and as proto-wolf as the world changed and dinner became larger or faster.


Research indicates that the identification of similarities and differences is a basic component of human thought and that the concept of similarity is important to different forms of cognition, including memory and problem-solving. There are four cognitive processes that are effective for generating similarities and differences: comparing, classifying, creating metaphors and creating analogies.


I’ve said many times that I train as naked as possible. What this mostly means is that I refrain from using tools like leashes, collars of any sort, restraints and other objects. But I do use toys, food, equipment for jumping, tunneling, going around, under and through, and various other objects with the intention of teaching a dog how to live in a human created world.
Naked Play however is without all those objects. There is just you and the dog. This type of play emulates how dogs play between themselves but adds the human element. This would include games of chase, push, wrestling, and even quiet games of petting, brushing, or just laying around together. 


True learning first starts in an environment that both members of the human/dog team can concentrate – at home! With Savvy online videos, you can train your dog or pup away from over-stimulating or terrifying environments, setting it up so both you and your dog can succeed. 

As success is gained, the Savvy online videos will show you how to start training your dog or pup in more distractive situations so you can gain a reliable response from your dog away from the comfort of your home environment. 

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