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Enrichment, Focus, Self-Control, Building Confidence, Behavior Issues, Relationship Issues
Canine Game Theory

Empowerment training is about showing our dogs that the environment is something they can affect and control. Most training is about instilling control onto our dogs instead of showing them how to have self-control and understanding. .

Empowerment  Empowerment training is about showing our dogs that the environment is something they can affect and control. To empower a dog, you must teach him industriousness, persistence and creativity.


Get Focused - Creating Engagement
You and your dog need focus! Focus is an often overlooked, but vitally important, aspect of your relationship with your dog.

Savvy Socialization
Socialization means learning to be part of society. When we talk about socializing pet puppies, it means helping them learn to be comfortable as a pet within human society-a society that includes many different types of people, environments.


Relationship Games
Humans and dogs fates are intertwined in ways that the old distinction between domesticator and domesticated cannot be adequately addressed.

This class has been developed for your new adult pet dog or a foster dog that isn't immediately adoptable. Any age or physical ability is welcome as the games may be adapted for physical and mental limitations.


A Path To Motivation In the world of human psychology there is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and several people have taken this hierarchy and tried to apply it to dogs and dog training. 

What actually does a dog (or most any animal) need? Without mixing in human control, emotions or considerations; what can a dog achieve past basic survival? What motivates a dog to continue to share life with humans, live in a human world and learn what is needed to be learned?


Senior Enrichment Not every dog requires a significant solution like an orthosis or a cart. Based on our evaluation of your dog's environment and your veterinarian's diagnosis, we can recommend products and changes to the home that support more general mobility challenges.


Always remembering that our dogs are living in a world that forces them to inhibit most of their instincts, and often don't have adequate means to channel their energy and frustration, building a deep relationship and bond is inherent in our history with dogs. But, in order to make it happen, you have to first define "it". You create a map for yourself, figuring out where you are starting from and identifying your strengths and establishing your goals. This is transforming in and of itself. Very few of us get this structured when left to our own devices and a good map is always a good start.

Tiny Tyrants Our Tiny Tyrants Behavior Training Book and class addresses the specific needs of the small and toy dogs. All exercises are designed for the success of your dog. Training exercises are divided into a variety of categories to help you build a strong relationship with your dog while helping your pet develop a broad base of life skills and the ability to cope with their old fears and easily handle new things and new environments. 


Compulsive, Obsessive and Overly Excited - Reactive
Does your dog bark, lunge, become overly stimulated, reactive, or aggressive to other animals, strangers, and environmental stimuli such as bikes, skateboards, etc?

Are you afraid to take your dog for a walk around the block?

Separation Anxiety Protocol Serious separation anxiety is indicated by a dog who does major property damage (chews holes through walls), injures himself in his anxiety (scratches or rubs paws or nose raw in digging or chewing), or stresses himself to the point of exhaustion 


Scent and Enrichment At first glance, it may seem odd that an animal would be rolling around in a blanket covered with urine, but this is a common animal response to a smelly object. When something in an animal’s territory smells like different animal, they will often try to mask the foreign smell with their own scent.


Building Confidence in a Shy Dog This book will show you how to safely manage and support your fearful or anxious dog. Through games designed to assist in dealing with the environment, we will help you build your dog's confidence and create a positive experience to ease the fears of your shy companion.

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